As a pharmacy student I was often asked by friends and family what steps are needed to become a Pharmacist. Many people do not understand that pharmacists are highly educated professionals. It can take between 5 years in an accelerated program to 12+ years of schooling with residencies to become specialized in a specific area of pharmacy.

Background Information

Pharmacists graduating from pharmacy school today in the United States are awarded a doctorate degree. The credential is called Pharm.D also known as Doctor of Pharmacy. Prior to the doctorate degree pharmacists were only required to have a bachelors degree in pharmacy (BSpharm) with a credential called R.Ph also known as Registered Pharmacist. There is no salary difference between the two degrees, however more jobs are requiring the Pharm.D. Some pharmacy programs offer BSpharm pharmacists the opportunity to obtain a Pharm.D degree.

What is Required Before Applying to Pharmacy School?

Figuring out how to get into Pharmacy School can be a daunting task when first starting out college. If you are reading this as a high school student you are several steps ahead of your peers. Take the time to research the pharmacy field. Start to organize your application for pharmacy school over the next several years. Below is a checklist of all the requirements needed to apply to pharmacy school:

  • Prerequisite Coursework (Generally 2-4 years of classes)
  • Pre-Pharmacy Course Load and Planning
  • 2-3 Letters of Recommendations
  • Extracurricular Activities/Leadership/Volunteer
  • Pharmacy Experience (Highly Recommended)
  • Research Experience (Highly Recommended)
  • Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT)
  • Personal Statements
  • Pharmacy School Supplemental Application
  • PharmCas Online Application
  • On-Site Essay (Depends on School)
  • On-Site Interview with the School of Pharmacy

How to Become a Pharmacist

  • Graduate from an accredited Pharmacy School
  • Pharmacy Internships
  • Building a Pharmacy Network
  • North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (Naplex)
  • Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE)

It can be quite difficult to navigate through all these requirements. Follow my blog to learn more about how to become a pharmacist. In subsequent posts, I will go into detail about each of the requirements for Pharmacy School and what to do once you start Pharmacy School.

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