Getting research experience before applying to any graduate program will help increase your chances for success. This includes research experience before applying to pharmacy school. Why is research so important?

Research Experience Pharmacy School

Pharmacy Schools, like any other graduate program have professors who do research in a specialized field. They look for students who are interested in research and hope to find candidates to mentor and push forward their studies.

What if I am not interested in research?

Most likely you have not stepped foot in a research lab. It will not hurt to try research to see if it is something you may want to pursue during pharmacy school. However, the main purpose of why I highly recommend doing undergraduate research with a professor is to obtain a quality letter of recommendation.

You will spend many hours in the research lab. This will allow you to build a strong networking relationship with the professor. In the end you will be asking the professor for a letter of recommendation prior to applying to pharmacy school. This can be applied to any graduate program (medical school, nursing school, dental school, physical therapy school, ect.).

Getting Research Experience

You will want to start looking for a professor to take you under their wing during your 1st year of college. You may even start working with a professor during your 2nd year in college, however it is recommended to start earlier. By starting research early, this allows time for your relationship to build with a professor.

Start to think about what type of research you may be interested in. It does not have to be related to pharmacy. Just having research experience on your resume will make you a more well-rounded candidate. Think about the classes you took and if there were any professors that you would love to work with. Setup a meeting time with this professor and talk to them in person about possible research opportunities. It is easier for a professor to decline if you call or e-mail them.

I hope the recommendations above will help guide, motivate, and inspire you to achieve your goals. Follow my blog for more tips and advice on how to become a pharmacist. What are your experiences? Please comment below and share your thoughts.

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